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xGen™ NGS Library Preparation & Adapters

With xGen NGS, we’ve made library preparation easy. Our solutions were developed to improve your time, yields, and budget across a broad range of sample types. Wherever your research journey takes you, you can trust in xGen NGS to assist.

xGen NGS—made easy.


Library preparation is a necessary step to turn input DNA or RNA into final libraries before targeted capture or sequencing (Figure 1). Our comprehensive catalog of library preparation solutions can help you no matter your research application, such as:

  • DNA sequencing (whole genome and targeted sequencing)
  • RNA sequencing (whole transcriptome and targeted sequencing)
  • Methylation sequencing (whole genome and targeted bisulfite sequencing)
  • Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) sequencing
  • Targeted sequencing with hybridization capture
  • PCR-free workflows
  • Oncology research
  • Metagenomics research

All xGen library prep kits are automation friendly. For more information, please contact us.

All xGen library prep kits are compatible with xGen Normalase™ Module. The proprietary technology is a novel enzymatic library normalization method that eliminates the need for library concentration adjustment prior to sequencing.

Figure 1. Example of workflow using prepared libraries. In this example, prepared libraries are used in a hybridization capture experiment prior to sequencing.

Use the tables to choose the right xGen library preparation kit for your research.

Table 1. Available IDT xGen DNA Library Prep Kits and their unique features.

  xGen DNA Library Prep Kit xGen cfDNA & FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit xGen ssDNA & Low-input DNA Library Prep Kit
Key features DNA library prep kit for high-quality samples (e.g., gDNA, metagenomics samples, high-quality FFPE) High conversion library prep kit for low inputs or challenging samples (e.g., FFPE, cfDNA) Library prep kit for low-quality degraded DNA, ssDNA, or mixtures of ssDNA and dsDNA
Workflow types PCR-free + PCR-amplified PCR-amplified PCR-amplified
Fragmentation Options for mechanical and enzymatic fragmentation Mechanical Mechanical
Input (ng) Mechanical: 1 ng to 1 µg
Enzymatic: 100 pg to 1 µg
1 ng to 250 ng 10 pg to 250 ng
Error correction options (UMIs) Single read family with UDI-UMI adapters Single read family & combined read family (UMIs built into the kit) None

Table 2. Available IDT xGen RNA Library Prep Kits and their unique features.

xGen RNA Library Prep Kit xGen Broad-Range RNA Library Prep Kit
Key features Fast workflow Broad input range
Input 5 ng to 100 ng (mRNA, rRNA-depleted RNA, total RNA)
100 ng to 500 ng (total RNA into library prep for hybridization capture)
100 ng to 1 µg (total RNA into an upstream module*)
100 pg to 100 ng (mRNA, rRNA-depleted RNA, total RNA)
10 ng to 1 µg (total RNA into an upstream module*)
Sample type Ribosomal RNA-depleted RNA
Poly(A)-enriched mRNA
Total RNA
Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) RNA
Ribosomal RNA-depleted RNA
Poly(A)-enriched mRNA
Total RNA
Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) RNA
RNA with low DV200 scores
Time required**~3.5 hours ~4.5 hours

*Note the rRNA depletion and poly(A) enrichment modules are not included with this kit.

** These workflow times are based on standard methods to complete each task. Based upon internal laboratory procedures, results may vary.

Table 3. Characteristics of the xGen Methyl-Seq Library Prep Kit.

 xGen Methyl-Seq DNA Library Prep Kit
Key featuresComprehensive coverage of the methylome for epigenetic research powered by xGen Adaptase technology*
Input DNA concentrations 100 pg to 100 ng
Applications Whole genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS)
Targeted bisulfite sequencing (with the use of an xGen Hybridization Capture Panel)
Single-cell bisulfite sequencing
Identifying genome-wide methylation of cfDNA in research studies
Time required**~2 hours

*Note xGen Adaptase technology is a template independent adapter attachment which reduces workflow time while generating a less biased library.

** These workflow times are based on standard methods to complete each task. Based upon internal laboratory procedures, results may vary.


Are you looking for guidance on product compatibility or how to select the appropriate library preparation kit? Investigate the options and see our recommended product groupings with our xGen NGS Solutions Builder Tool.

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